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ASEE certified EMV® 3D Secure Server upgraded to EMV3DS v2.2

Asseco SEE successfully completed the EMVCo testing and received the EMVCo Letter of Approval for the TriDES2 3D Secure Server aligned with the EMV® 3D Secure v2.2 standard. The TriDES2 Secure Server enables merchants and acquiring banks to protect online payments from fraudsters at their web and mobile shops via interoperable 3D Secure authentication.

Asseco SEE successfully completed the EMVCo testing and received the EMVCo Letter of Approval for the TriDES2 3D Secure Server aligned with the EMV® 3D Secure v2.2 standard. The TriDES2 Secure Server enables merchants and acquiring banks to protect online payments from fraudsters at their web and mobile shops via interoperable 3D Secure authentication.

EMVCo continues the 3D Secure strategy set with EMV3DS v2.0 – having a strong focus on adopting current trends in e-commerce and online payment, fast and smooth transactions, minimal friction and disturbance for the Payee, great User Experience, and ultimate level of transaction security.

Check out most notable 3DS v2.1 and 3DS v2.2 improvements in our recent blog post.

3D Secure Server v2.2. improvements

In 3DS v2.2 there were additional protocol improvements in this direction. These improvements include the following:

  • More details and new transaction data for 3RI (3D Requestor Initiated) transactions,
  • Additional data in Merchant Whitelisting including process explanations and best practices,
  • Introduced Decoupled authentication to support the authentication for 3RI (3D Requestor Initiated) and MIT (Merchant Initiated Transactions),
  • The extended and clarified Acquirer exemption message and business process to improve the adoption by both acquirers and issuers.

Both VISA and MC, have different 3DS 2.2 adoption roadmaps. As one of the main card schemes, VISA has defined a milestone for issuers and acquirers to adapt to EMV3DS 2.2; until the end of Q1 this year (2021). However, Mastercard has not set such a milestone; since MC has adopted some of the features from EMV3DS 2.2 through its MC 2.1+ extensions.

In addition, ASEE provided a comprehensive overview of the extended transition period. Learn more about the efficient management of the extended transition period in our recent blog post.

eBook: How to choose the right 3D Secure software

This eBook contains all the critical elements you need to consider while making intelligent, well-informed decisions regarding implementing 3D Secure technology.

To find out more about Trides2 portfolio, contact us or visit our blog section.  

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