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ASEE at Trustech 2022

As ASEE attended this years Trustech 2022 event, we'd like to share with you our three day experience through a short summary.

Trustech 2022, the world's leading event for payment identification and security professionals, took place in Paris from November 29th to December 1st, bringing together leading innovators, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders, Trustech sparked interesting conversations among identity and security experts.

trustech 2022 Mirta

Hosting numerous international exhibitors, Trustech 2022 provided us with the latest trends in the security sector, as well as displayed innovative technology that will further boost digital transformation. Three intensive days of attending conferences, various speakers, pitches and networking opportuinities gave us a chance to exchange thoughts on the current state of the identification and security solutions, as well as the upcoming trends and predictions presented by keynote speakers.

trustech 2022 Robert

We got the opportunity to attend the 2022 event as a speaker, sharing our thoughts on the importance of cyber resilience. Robert Mihaljek shared his thoughts on the importance of mobile application security, authentication, and AI risk-based online payments security mechanisms.

asse team at trustech 2022

ASEE wants to congratulate Trustech 2022 on a successful event and thank for the opportunity to see innovation in every corner, make some interesting connections, and of course, enjoy the show. We landed with high expectations, and Trustech 2022 successfully matched our hype. We're excited to see what the 2023 edition has in store for us.

For more security-related topics, feel free to contact us. Zero obligation. We'd love to hear you out!

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