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5 features that end-users will appreciate in new banking era

During the no-smartphone era, we used hardware tokens to finish online transactions. We still use them, but nowadays SW tokens are being replaced by mobile tokens completely. Both the use case and idea are perfect. You download it to your smartphone which is always beside you, and, in case you want to make an online purchase, you can do it right from your phone. When Cloud technology arrived, the token remained stored on the phone, it didn’t move to the cloud. No one could predict that changing a mobile phone every couple of years would become a standard practice.

During the non-smartphone era, we used hardware tokens to finish online transactions. We still use them, but nowadays SW tokens are being replaced by mobile tokens completely. Both the use case and idea are perfect. You download it to your smartphone which is always beside you, and, in case you want to make an online purchase, you can do it right from your phone. When Cloud technology arrived, the token remained stored on the phone, it didn’t move to the cloud. No one could predict that changing a mobile phone every couple of years would become standard practice.

Mobile phone manufacturers release new features every year, in order to create demand for customers who then switch to newer phone versions. New releases of Android and iOS are moving forward exactly as manufacturers dictate. In this new era of quick and frequent changes as well as
emerging new trends, we are faced with users who have an incredible ability to adopt new technologies fast.

Communication with banks is becoming more vital than ever, so IT experts and banks are trying to find new ways to speed up the communication between them and customers. Customers don't want to visit their banks, talk to anyone, wait in long lines just to get something done in 3 minutes. Going mobile is the train we need to catch.

An average customer expects every transaction to be finished in just a few minutes, so that is why we invented mobile tokens in the first place. An SW or a mobile token is the best option for your online transactions because a mobile phone is literally the one thing that is always with you. The only problem with providing seamless user experience through this technology is that the user must visit the bank every time they change the phone, in order to receive new tokens for making transactions.

Asseco has come up with a solution that doesn’t require a visit to the bank every time the bank’s customer has a problem with the mobile token, or simply changes their phone. Asseco has gone one step further to enable customers’ seamless migration when switching to a new phone, changing one’s password, or migrating tokens and accounts. Asseco has found a solution that lets customers easily migrate all their data using the self-automated mobile token SDK.

This solution provides the following:

PIN change

The PIN is an important sequence of numbers your user needs to set up and remember, in order to sign their transactions using mobile token. In case your customer have a feeling that someone abused his token and tried to make a transaction, a customer can change his PIN into new one. Application settings allow you to change your PIN. You can simply enter your old PIN, and then set a new one without contacting your bank. Therefore you will block abuse of your token for transaction signing.

Reset Token

Nowadays, even with strong Internet security, there will be intruders who will try to steal your token credentials to make transactions on the Internet. If you have faced this problem already, or you think this could happen to your users, you can advise them to reset their existing tokens. A token can be deactivated easily in the app settings. The user will then be redirected to the main screen where they need to enter their activation code, which has been issued by their bank.


With constant phone changes, token migration can be extremely effective, if users can do it in a few steps. Mobile users, who are accustomed to getting everything done in just a few steps, will want all applications used on their old phones to be auto-migrated to their new phones.

With this feature implemented in the mobile token application, a user can migrate their token in just a few steps. The only thing you need to do is to generate a new code on the old device to activate the same old token on the new mobile device. Having installed the application on a new mobile device, the user can easily activate the new code received from their old mobile phone’s application.


Can I download the app and do everything by myself? The answer is YES, FINALLY! The end user can generate a brand-new token, which can be activated with codes already received from the issuer or the bank.

A download link together with an activation code must be delivered to the new mobile device. The download link and the activation code are first acquired by the “old” mobile token application, and then they can be forwarded to the new device using various mechanisms.

Recover token

The user has options to view the list of all assigned tokens and to block or enable other mobile tokens on the server side. A blocked token can be unblocked. An archived token cannot be used anymore. Therefore, a user can initiate token redistribution for other mobile token devices. This is useful in case the user has forgotten their PIN, or if for some reason they have had to reset the mobile phone to factory settings or delete the token application.

If the token has been locked, the end-user can recover their token anytime.

Using any of the abovementioned solutions in this complete self-management tool can bring additional benefits to the user, such as enabling them to be less involved in long banking processes, and have more time for activities they enjoy. The user is more independent and does not need to rely on anyone’s assistance. A renewed or recovered token can be used later with no fears that the token will not be protected. End user experience will thus be improved and all processes accelerated to the new level.

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